My friend Isabella Norse tagged me to play #luckyseven, a bit of fun for writers.
The rules of the challenge are simple:
- Go to either page 7 or 77 (or 777 if it’s that long) of your manuscript.
- Go to line 7.
- Post 7 sentences / lines.
- Tag 7 other people to do the same.
My current WIP is a murder mystery set in a science-fiction world. It’s called Of Broken Things and here is a brief synopsis:
When Aiden accepts to investigate the murder of a college professor, little does he know that he will stumble into a cover-up operation involving a secret research lab, people with special abilities, and one soldier bound on revenge.
And here is a small snippet from page 7, line 7 of the current version of the novel:
“Alright, Marjory will see us at 2 pm, which leaves us a little bit over two hours to kill. Fancy eating something a bit more filling than coffee?”
Aiden nodded enthusiastically. When Ricky mentioned lunch, he became aware of just how hungry he was. He couldn’t even remember the last time he had had a decent meal.
“Excellent!” Ricky said. “Then let’s go to Illiano’s for old times’ sake.”
Pfew, here we go. First ever snippet from my work posted on this blog, or anywhere else for that matter, if you don’t count A Small Detour, the short story I was lucky to get accepted into this anthology.
Alright, now that I have done that. Here are 7 more writers I want to tag: Jayme, So I pondered, Peter, Dimyanti, Jenny, Denise, and Cat. You guys feel like playing along?