Time sure flies… Who would have thought when I started this blog in October 2013 as I prepared for my very first NaNoWriMo that I would still be plugging along 8 years later?
Sure, there have been ups and downs, periods where the posts on this blog had reduced to merely a trickle, but I never truly abandoned it. Even I took a five year hiatus from writing altogether due to some personal issues as well as moving across half the country on my own, I still managed to post a book review on here now and then.
As I look back at my archives, I am amazed to see that I have written close to 300 posts here over the years. Once again, who would have thought? I know some prolific bloggers would have reached closer to 1000 posts in eight years, but I don’t count myself amongst one of those.
This blog had started as a way for me to document my journey as an aspiring writer. Heck, at first it was just here to hold me accountable during my first NaNoWriMo project, and once I had won the NaNo (to my utter surprise and amazement), it had been a way of pushing myself to actually finish the first draft of that manuscript. It is rather ironic that I am participating in NaNo again eight years later as a NaNo Rebel – instead of writing a brand new story during November, I am doing an extensive edit of that same manuscript I won my first NaNo with.
The blog had evolved over the years, as I stepped away from writing for a bit and concentrated on feeding my voracious reading habit. A lot of those almost 300 posts are book reviews. I like having a non-censored medium for sharing my thoughts on books I loved, liked, or hated.
And who knows, the blog might evolve again in the future. I might loose interest in writing (might happen for a bit, but I always come back to it), or in reading (now that’s an impossibility), but I will definitely find something else to blog about.
But for now, happy 8 year anniversary, my Tower of Winds. Here’s to many more years of creating silly content together!