Category Archives: Fantasy

A Tempest of Tea (Blood and Tea 1) by Hafsah Faizal

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Stars: 2.5 out of 5

I was attracted to to this book because of the gorgeous cover and a description that promised a fun heist where a group of underdogs went against a tyranical government. What I really got was… not exactly that at all. Partly, this was my fault, because when I bought this book, I didn’t realize that it was young adult. Me and YA books rarely speak the same language, probably because I’m several decades past that particular stage of my life. 

Still, I can enjoy some modern YA books, and I’ve read a couple series that I absolutely loved this year (Like the City Between Series), so my failure to mesh with this book is not just because it was YA, but because of the things the author decided to put their emphasis on instead of what I expected them to concentrate on.

I was coming for an action-filled heist capper with engaging characters and high stakes, where I could root for the good guys and rage against the villains that oppress them. And definitely cheer when they finally managed to pull victory out of the jaws of defeat and save their home and their livelihoods. Overtrowning the current government was optional but would be a cherry on top.

What I got instead was chapters and chapters of characters catching feelings for each other, and being to naive/immature/emotionally repressed/stupid (circle the word that applies) to acknowledge those feelings. Seriously, nobody in this crew is mature enough to face what they are feeling and talk about it like normal adults. Be it Arthie and Laith, or Jin and Flick, they keep putting their heads in the sand and singing “La, la, la, can’t hear you!” every time. Yes, you are attracted to each other, get over it and move on with the darn heist! Flick was especially getting on my nerves with her unwillingness to face the facts about her adoptive mother. I mean, she is so naive, I can’t believe she managed to survive on the street long enough to have a forger business.

My other problem is that the worldbuilding is lackluster at best. The author throws in some description of the world, but they are vague and don’t paint a full picture. We have a masked King that is elected by a council, but exactly how does that work? Also, is this supposed to be steampunk, gaslight mystery or what? Is this world magical, or industrial or a mixture of both? How did the vampires come about? What is their standing in the society? At the beginning of the book the author says that they are treated like parriahs, yet there is an exclusive club for vampires that seems to hold sway over the highest reaches of the government. Everything is vague and half-baked, and honestly, I started loosing interest when I realized that it won’t be explained better.

Also, I never could connect with any of the characters. Jin was okay, apart from becoming a bumbling fool every time he was with Flick, but I couldn’t stand Arthie. For someone who was supposed to be one of the good guys, she is an extremely unpleasant person. Also, I still don’t quite understand her motivation and her backstory, and I couldn’t care less.

In summary, this is a giant miss for me. I finished the book, but I was tempted to quit around 60% in, and only the fact that I was stuck in a place with no internet and this was the only book actually downloaded to the Kindle on my phone made me keep reading.

Emerald Blaze (Hidden Legacy 5) by Ilona Andrews

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Stars: 5 out of 5.

This was a lot darker and more angsty than the other books in the series, but I can understand that. Catalina has a LOT of things to worry about, the biggest one being her horrible grandmother. She’d been literally killing herself trying to keep her family safe and solidifying the power of House Baylor. And she thought that she had to sacrifice parts of herself and her happiness to do that.

I’m glad that Catalina and Alessandro had a honest and serious talk as soon as they could and that he was very honest and upfront about what happened. I like that he acknowledged that running away and abandoning her at the end of the previous book was a horrible thing to do. I like that he didn’t try to excuse his actions, but owned them instead.

I love all the relationships Ilona Andrews writes about because they are healthy and mature, where people actually share their feelings and talk about their issues instead of just letting them fester.

I think this was a very cathartic book for Catalina. She finally mended things with Nevada, and she realized that she didn’t have to carry the burden of House Baylor on her own. And she finally found the one person that would stand by her no matter what and be her equal, ready to help or call on her bullshit if needed.

Also, the Abyss was really terrifying, though I can’t help but feel sorry for the nameless telepath that was killed to create this abomination. I’m sure that even if he was a volunteer for the serum experiment, he hadn’t chosen to die for it.

Can’t wait to read the next book in the series.

Trail of Lightning (The Sixth World 1) by Rebecca Roanhorse

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Stars: 3.5 out of 5

I loved that we get to explore a world based on something other than the standard european mythology. Don’t get me wrong, I like my elves, werwolves, and vampires, and pseudo-medieval world, but sometimes I want something different. Adn different this is.

This world is based on native american mythology, or at least the mythology of the Dine poeple, and it’s a world completely alien to a Russian-born immigrant like me. It was fascinating and I thouroughly enjoyed exploring it, even though I had one heck of a time with the pronounciation of the names of all the different creatures. This is where I really wished I was able to enjoy audiobooks without getting sidetracked very 5 mins, because hearing how they are pronounced would have helped a lot.

The plot is tight and moving along at a steady pace. I don’t think any part of the book lagged, and there is no dreaded slump in the middle. I would even argue that the plot moved a bit too fast at times, not leaving time for the characters to deal with the aftermath of some of their actions.

My issue with this book, and the reason it’s not a 5 star review, is that Maggie started irritating me by the end of it. I get it that she is a damaged and traumatized woman who has a lot of baggage to unload and process. Problem is, she behaves like an emotionally stilled teenager at time, which grows old pretty quickly. Though I must admit that I saw some character growth in her by the end of this book, so I have hopes for the sequel.

And the fact that she was completely oblivious about the discrepancies in Kai’s behavior when they were so explicitly telegraphed to the reader makes her seem stupider than she is. I mean seriously, every time she starts asking good questions, the conversation is interrupted because plot happens, aka the author wants to keep the mystery going to get the big emotional reveal in the end. I think that did a disservice to both Kai and Maggie as characters.

Despite this, I did enjoy this story and I wil definitely pick up the next book to learn more about this world.

Sapphire Flames (Hidden Legacy 4) by Ilona Andrews

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Stars: 5 out of 5

This is the first book about Catalina, and I loved it. I loved all of the Nevada books, so I was a bit apprehensive to switch to a different narrator, but I love Catalina too. The Baylor women are strong and badass in their own ways. And it’s a testiment to the authors’ gift with words that the protagonists don’t sound the same. Nevada has a completely different personality than Catalina, and it shows on the page. 

But when it comes to the Hidden Legacy books, I especially love the Baylor family. All of them are a hoot to read about, be it Granma Freda with her letal machines with hilarious names (seriously, who calls a tank Brick?), or  Bern and Leon. I always get this warm and fuzzy feeling when I read about that family, because they feel real, and you can see that they genuinely love and care for each other. In the world of Hidden Legacy, where alliances are made based on power, and children are made based on genetic markers they would have and powers they would inherit, seeing a family that doesnt’ care about any of that and just loves each other is a breath of fresh air.

And I think by being how they are, the Baylors attract the right sort of people to them. They help others because they feel they should, and they stick by those who hire them, so they tend to assemble friends who think and feel the same. I loved that we got to see Sergeant Teddy again. I wonder what kind of creature Shadow is… she has way too many teeth for a dog. I’m sure she will have a surprise or two for those who try to harm Catalina in the next books.

We also learned a lot more about the world of Hidden Legacy and the serum that created it by destroying the world as we know it. I can’t wait to see how Catalina’s new status plays out in the next books.

The Graveyard Watch by R. J. Eason

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Stars: 2.5 out of 5

This book had potential, I love urban fantasy and new interesting takes that authors have on the old thrope of monsters living among us without the general public being aware of it and secret agencies in the government created to police them. So I was more than on board with this and ready to enjoy my read. Unfortunately, the execusion suffers from what I would call “the first book” syndrom. And while I am willing to forgive a lot if I like the story and the characters, the flaws outweighted the positives in this case.

My biggest issue with the book is head hopping. I HATE this. It gives me whiplash and immediately takes me out of the story, killing all enjoyment. I don’t mind having certain scenes narrated by different characters as long as there is a clear separation between them. In this case though, we have some scenes where the POV literaly changes from paragraph to paragraph in the same scene, which is really off-putting and confusing.

My second issue was the way the author chose to write the accents different characters have. Like Sebastian, the French werewolf. While that would be fantastic in an audio book, it sounds very forced and unnatural written on a page. It is honestly hard to read, because the words are writen wrong to immiate an accent, but since I am reading this, not listening to it, half the time I have to stop and re-read to even understand what the author ment. There are other ways of showing that English isn’t someone’s native language.

My other issues are related to the characters and the general worldbuilding. 

Where it comes to the worldbuilding, there isn’t enough of it. It leaves more questions than answers. Like how does the Graveyard Watch fit into the rest of Brittish law enforcement or even government? Who does the Commander answer to? Who pays the bills? What is the chain of command here? What is the scop of their powers? What is their ultimate mission? Are they judge, jury, and executionner? Are they enforcers or also councelors whom the supernatural community can turn to for help? Are there other divisions of the Graveyard Watch in other countries? A centralized authority that overseas them? Who watches the watchers? No clue, because that’s never explained. 

My other issue is with the characters. We don’t know anything about them apart from their funny accents. The only one we get a bit of a backstory about is Domingo, but even then it’s not much. The characters are just kind of there… I don’t know their motivations, I don’t know what they do in their personal lives, I don’t know what their aspirations are. They move the story forward, talk in funny accents, and (in the case of Jocasta) swoon over every hot-looking guy that happens to cross her path. 

Speaking of Jocasta, I really hated her inner monologs that were written more like dialogs. I mean does she have split personality or what? Why does it sound like another voice is answering her in her head when she is having a moment? Also, for someone who is described as an intelligent and capable medical examiner, why is she suddenly turning into a detective? Her job is not to track suspects and apprehend them. Her job is to examine a scene and a body, if there is one. The whole plot of them following Victor to his secret lair was absolutely stupid. Why would she run after a known suspect, jump into his boat, follow him into a warehouse… all that while wearing an evening dress and high heels? What is she, Super Woman?

In the end, the negatives outweighted the positives for me, hence the rather low rating I’m giving this book. I will not be continuing with this series.

PS: I received an advanced copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Between Kings (The City Between 10) by WR Gingell

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Stars: 4 out of 5

What a great ending to a great series. All the different threads carefully hinted at during the previous books finally come to play and are resolved in a satisfactory manner. All the friendships Pet has cultivated in the previous books come to play as well.

You can really see just how much Pet has grown up between book one and book 10. In the first book, she might as well have been a ghost. She was so afraid of loosing her house that she lived only in order to earn enough money to buy it out. Nothing existed beyond work and hiding in her own home. We watched her gain confidence, both in herself and her abilities. We watched her make friends and stick by them in difficult moments. Most importantly, we watched her open her heart to other people and actually enjoy life instead of trying to exist as a ghost in her own house.

I loved that all the friends she collected along the way came to her help in the end, even the leprechaun. This was a nice juxtaposition to the idea Behindkind has that friendship is a burden and that anyone can stab you in the back, or that there is no such thing as freely given aid. Pet helped all of those people at one point of the other, and didn’t ask for anything in return. So they all showed up to help her, and to save the other heirlings stuck in the King’s arena. Heck, even the old butler had a redeeming moment.

I was surprised by the twist in the end. Not going to mention it to avoid spoilers, but let’s just say that the new King of Behind is… an interesting fellow.

My only complaint is that this book dragged in the beginning. There is a lot of running around doing mostly nothing for the first 50% of the story. So much so that I had to put it down and walk away for a few days because I was getting bored. Once the action picks up again, it’s a fun ride to the end, with satisfactory conclusions all around. The way Pet defeated the former King is a stroke of genius.

I am glad I found this series, and I will definitely check out other books by this author.

The Last Sun (The Taro Sequence 1) by K.D. Edwards

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Stars: 5 out of 5

I loved this book so much that I devoured it in 2 days. Also, that cover is absolutely gorgeous.

The worldbuilding is interesting and based on the taro cards and different houses and aspects those represent. Also, old Atlantis. Though I admit that I would have loved to learn more about how this world works. We get glimpses into the magical system, and mentions of some of the Houses, but less than I would have loved to. There are also mentions of the Atlantean World War, but no explanation as to when it happened, or why.  Hopefully, more of this will be explained in consecutive books of the series.

This however didn’t lessen my enjoyment of the story at all, because I absolutely loved the characters. Rune is a gem to read about, and his relationship with Brand is both funny and poignant at the same time. You really got the feel that these two went through hell and back together (and they did), so the bond they share is stronger than Scion and human Companion. They are more than friends. They are brothers who would die for each other. 

The other characters are just as fun to read about. I loved Ciaran and Addam, and OMG I loved Quinn. It’s hard to write a seer right, especially one that doesn’t just see the future, but all the probable futures at ones, and Quinn is done just right. I’m not too sure about Max right now, but that’s probably because he wasn’t the focus of this story, so we only got glimpses of this past and nothing about his motivation. I’m sure we learn more in the next books. 

The action scenes are also well-written and keep you at the edge of your seat. I loved that Rune doesn’t come off as an overpowered scion just breezing through his enemies. Oh no, he had to work and bleed for the victories he got, and a lot of people died in the process. 

I have questions at the end of this book, like who orchestrated the attack on House Sun? Who were the 9 individuals in animal masks that tortured Rune? Who are the people pulling the strings from the shadows, and what does that have to do with the prophecy about Rune? I’m sure we will get more answers in the next books, and I will be along for the ride.

Splintered Nights by Veronica Del Rosa

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Stars: 4 out of 5.

This was a surprisingly good book by an author I have never read before, since she writes mostly paranormal romance, and I don’t read PNR. It has been languishing on my TBR list since 2018, and I finally got around to it. I’m glad I did.

On the surface, the world is the usual urban fantasy fair – with humans living mostly oblivious of the nasties that live alongside them. And the nasties are also the usual fair – vampires and werewolves. 

Those are not the sparkly vampires and noble soulmate werewolves that you will encounter in other urban fantasy books. These are monsters, and there is nothing noble or beautiful about them.  And I liked that. These monsters are ruthless and downright cruel. Their societies are violent and bloody, and humans are just food or playthings to them. This is honestly refreshing.

I also really loved Pearle. She is what a strong character should be – self-reliant, smart, resourceful, and she always manages to get back up no matter how many times she gets knocked down. She just doesn’t give up, despite the fact that her life sucks. I mean she is homeless, working a thankless job for a boss that hates her guts. Every night is a battle for survival against vampires that keep coming for her. 

She learned to rely only on herself, and the one time when she let that rule drop and chose to become close to someone, that person betrayed her. That was rather messed up. Shows you that even the meekest of the monsters are still monsters. And sometimes the meekest monsters are the most cunning and ruthless.

The ending was also rather sad, because even though Pearle defeated the vampire that had been after her since her childhood, she is still homeless and she made powerful enemies in the werewolf clan. Oh, and the vampires are still after her. So is she really better off than she was at the beginning of the book? At least she knows why the vampires are attracted to her now, or what happened to her father. 

I would have loved to read about her adventures with the vampire hunters, but it seems like this book is a standalone and no continuation is planned.

Blood Heir (Aurelia Ryder 1) by Ilona Andrews

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Stars: 5 out of 5.

It’s always a pleasure to return to the world of Kate Daniels and discover what our favorite characters have been up to in the years since the main series ended. And it’s a huge credit to the authors that there are so many characters I like to revisit, not just Kate and Curan, and Julie is one of them.

Julie is back in Atlanta, and she is older, and more powerful, and more mature. She’s been through hell and back again. She has a mission, and she will stop at nothing to succeed, because failure would mean the destruction of everything she loves.

Did I already mention that I absolutely love the characters? Kate’s little dysfunctional found family is amazing. They are damaged, some of them used to be evil, and they are all extremely powerful in their own right, but they also love each other and would drop everything and come to the rescue if one of them needed help. I love stories where the protagonist isn’t a lone wolf without friends or family, so Kate’s world gives me the warm fuzees every time I read about it. Be it Kate, or Julie/Aurelia, or Roman, they all have a strong support system and a family who loves them. 

I admit that I was a bit sad to see what became of Atlanta since Kate decided to relinquish her claim to the city and retire to Wilmington. Things… are not great. The Pack is all but falling apart, crime is rampant, and the indifference of the general population to human suffering is staggering. Atlanta is a city on the brink of a disaster, be it Moloch’s invasion or internal civil war, but something is about to happen unless everyone gets their heads out of their collective asses and starts cooperating.

I’m a bit disappointed in Ascanio, though this particular development is on par with his character. Even Kate couldn’t particularly temper his ambition when he worked for Cutting Edge, and now that she isn’t there, he started indulging in the worst of his tendencies. He is definitely NOT Beast Lord material, not unless he does a lot of maturing and fast. 

I am also surprised at Derek. What happened there? How did he become this almost mystical Silver Wolf with magical powers? There is a story there, I’m sure, and I hope that we learn a bit more about it in the next installment in this series. 

I’m happy that Julie and Derek finally got to talk and air their grievances, because there was a lot of pent up resentment there. I’m not sure if it resolved anything, but only time will tell. They work well together, and Julie really needs someone powerful watching her back for what’s coming. 

My only complaint is that the main conflict isn’t resolved by the end of this book. Moloch is still there. The future may still come to pass, even if Julie’s actions made it less certain and bought everyone some time. But she still can’t go home and hug her mother, and she has to stay in Atlanta. 

I will definitely be on the lookout for the next book in this series, whenever the authors decide to come back to it.

Between Family (The City Between 9) by W.R. Gingell

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Stars: 5 out of 5.

Well, that was an explosive start of a book. Our characters are still reeling from the revelations that happened in the previous book, and the bloody betrayal and massacre that they culminated in. They are all copping with this in their own broken and twisted ways. In the case of Zero, by struggling with emotions that he’d spent a lifetime trying to suppress. And then the heirling trials start…

This book was fast-paced and full of tension. Pet and Zero were literally in a life and death situation for most of it. I am glad to see that even when push comes to shove, Pet doesn’t abandon her convictions and her friends. It was rewarding to see her try her best to save everyone she considers family by gathering them all in the only safe place she knows – her house. It was also rewarding to see that those friends returned her friendship and stayed true. There were no further betrayals apart from the one at the end of the previous book. 

I am also glad that this almost love-triangle deal between Pet, Zero, and Jin-Yeong. Pet finally sorted her feelings and understood who was dear to her heart. I also loved her rationale behind it. That Jin-Yeong always saw her for who she really was, and trusted her implicitly, with his life sometimes. He didn’t see her as a pet or damsel in distress. He believed in her abilities even more than she did sometimes.

It was also rewarding to see her finally get a better grip on her powers. Her solution for ending the trials was rather ingenious.

And of course, it was extremely satisfying to see Zero’s dad finally bite the dust in such an… undignified way. Oh how low has the mighty fallen. Killed by two beings he considered so beneath him that they were no more than animals – a human and a vampire.

The ending was another punch in the gut though. The stakes are higher than ever, and the war has been declared. I can’t wait to pick up the last book in the series and see how Pet will be able to resolve this situation.