Blood Heir (Aurelia Ryder 1) by Ilona Andrews

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Stars: 5 out of 5.

It’s always a pleasure to return to the world of Kate Daniels and discover what our favorite characters have been up to in the years since the main series ended. And it’s a huge credit to the authors that there are so many characters I like to revisit, not just Kate and Curan, and Julie is one of them.

Julie is back in Atlanta, and she is older, and more powerful, and more mature. She’s been through hell and back again. She has a mission, and she will stop at nothing to succeed, because failure would mean the destruction of everything she loves.

Did I already mention that I absolutely love the characters? Kate’s little dysfunctional found family is amazing. They are damaged, some of them used to be evil, and they are all extremely powerful in their own right, but they also love each other and would drop everything and come to the rescue if one of them needed help. I love stories where the protagonist isn’t a lone wolf without friends or family, so Kate’s world gives me the warm fuzees every time I read about it. Be it Kate, or Julie/Aurelia, or Roman, they all have a strong support system and a family who loves them. 

I admit that I was a bit sad to see what became of Atlanta since Kate decided to relinquish her claim to the city and retire to Wilmington. Things… are not great. The Pack is all but falling apart, crime is rampant, and the indifference of the general population to human suffering is staggering. Atlanta is a city on the brink of a disaster, be it Moloch’s invasion or internal civil war, but something is about to happen unless everyone gets their heads out of their collective asses and starts cooperating.

I’m a bit disappointed in Ascanio, though this particular development is on par with his character. Even Kate couldn’t particularly temper his ambition when he worked for Cutting Edge, and now that she isn’t there, he started indulging in the worst of his tendencies. He is definitely NOT Beast Lord material, not unless he does a lot of maturing and fast. 

I am also surprised at Derek. What happened there? How did he become this almost mystical Silver Wolf with magical powers? There is a story there, I’m sure, and I hope that we learn a bit more about it in the next installment in this series. 

I’m happy that Julie and Derek finally got to talk and air their grievances, because there was a lot of pent up resentment there. I’m not sure if it resolved anything, but only time will tell. They work well together, and Julie really needs someone powerful watching her back for what’s coming. 

My only complaint is that the main conflict isn’t resolved by the end of this book. Moloch is still there. The future may still come to pass, even if Julie’s actions made it less certain and bought everyone some time. But she still can’t go home and hug her mother, and she has to stay in Atlanta. 

I will definitely be on the lookout for the next book in this series, whenever the authors decide to come back to it.

Between Family (The City Between 9) by W.R. Gingell

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Stars: 5 out of 5.

Well, that was an explosive start of a book. Our characters are still reeling from the revelations that happened in the previous book, and the bloody betrayal and massacre that they culminated in. They are all copping with this in their own broken and twisted ways. In the case of Zero, by struggling with emotions that he’d spent a lifetime trying to suppress. And then the heirling trials start…

This book was fast-paced and full of tension. Pet and Zero were literally in a life and death situation for most of it. I am glad to see that even when push comes to shove, Pet doesn’t abandon her convictions and her friends. It was rewarding to see her try her best to save everyone she considers family by gathering them all in the only safe place she knows – her house. It was also rewarding to see that those friends returned her friendship and stayed true. There were no further betrayals apart from the one at the end of the previous book. 

I am also glad that this almost love-triangle deal between Pet, Zero, and Jin-Yeong. Pet finally sorted her feelings and understood who was dear to her heart. I also loved her rationale behind it. That Jin-Yeong always saw her for who she really was, and trusted her implicitly, with his life sometimes. He didn’t see her as a pet or damsel in distress. He believed in her abilities even more than she did sometimes.

It was also rewarding to see her finally get a better grip on her powers. Her solution for ending the trials was rather ingenious.

And of course, it was extremely satisfying to see Zero’s dad finally bite the dust in such an… undignified way. Oh how low has the mighty fallen. Killed by two beings he considered so beneath him that they were no more than animals – a human and a vampire.

The ending was another punch in the gut though. The stakes are higher than ever, and the war has been declared. I can’t wait to pick up the last book in the series and see how Pet will be able to resolve this situation.

Hexes of the Fall (The Hex King 1) by L. Marton

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Stars: 4 out of 5

This is a good story, and a solid first book in a new series. I would argue that you might want to read Sand and Ichor before you start this book, because a couple characters from that novella play a major part in the events happening in this book. Also, it will give you better understanding into Rhaka’s motives, and why he behaves the way he does. 

But ultimately, you don’t have to read the novella to enjoy this book, because this story is about Genry and his difficult journey of trying to grapple with circumstances that are out of his control.

I liked Genry, though he came across as naïve and overly idealistic most of this book. But what else would you expect from a 17 year old boy? He is the youngest of the royal siblings. He never expected to assume any important political role in the kingdom. Everyone assumed that his sister Ellix would be the next Queen and she was groomed for this role since childhood. All Genry ever wanted was to become a knight. That’s what he trained for, that’s what he dreamt about, and he couldn’t care about anything else.

I really felt for him when circumstances conspired against him, and he realized that that dream was now shattered. Talk about a soul-crushing discovery – that in order to do your duty to your kingdom and your family, you would have to abandon everything you ever dreamt about and become basically a puppet in the hands of your family. No wonder he ascended the stairs so quickly and without regret at the end of the book – he had nothing tying him to the world of the living. 

It’s also a very interesting world that the author created. At first, it seems almost a utopia – a thousand years of peace and prosperity… Until you realize that that peace is bought at the price of magical enslavement. The oaths that the citizens make to the crown are binding magical contracts, and attempting to break such a contract causes real physical pain. A kingdom where everything is a contract, where every good deed is expected to put the other person in debt. There is no altruism, only duty. There is no self-sacrifice unless it’s worth something. That’s a sad state of affairs.

And I would say that the mad seer created a self-fulfilling prophecy in the end. Had she not tried to kill Genry, who knows what kind of crown prince he would have become? If his soul had remained intact, he might made different choices when he becomes a king. I’m afraid she created the Tyrant she was so afraid of.

All in all, this is a really good book, even if the story dragged in place, and I felt like we were circling around the drain a couple times with nothing happening. I am definitely looking forward to the next book. I want to see what becomes of Genry, and Ellix, and Rhaka.

PS: I received a free copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

The Path of Thorns by A.G. Slater

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Stars: 4 out of 5.

This was one dark tale. I don’t know if I should categorize it as a fairy tale or a gothic tale or  just historical fantasy, but that doesn’t particularly matter, does it? It’s a good book.

The world is reminiscent of Victorian England, only with traces of magic still around, and magical creatures still lurking in the shadows of everyday life (though who is to say that is not the case in our world as well?).  Asher Todd arrives at a remote manor in a remote village to assume the role of governess for the three grandchildren of the lady of the manor. Only Asher Todd is not who she seems, and her reasons for arriving here are not altruistic. She has two goals at Morwood Grange – one requested from her by the person who sent her there, and another one very personal. As customary for any gothic tale, things won’t go well for anyone. 

I liked Asher Todd, and I really rooted for her to accomplish her goals and win… until I slowly discovered what those goals were and who she was doing all this for. Then I rooted for her to finally break free of her past and the unhealthy hold her mother has on her. Because Asher never lived for herself a day in her life. Her mother made sure every breath she took was full of guilt and sense of duty. I’m glad that Asher managed to tear herself free of Morwood in the end. 

The other inhabitants of Morwood Grange are rather depictable human beings. I was happy that they got their just desserts in the end. That whole house was like a big jar full of poisonous spiders ready to sting each other to death. The only innocents there were the children, so I’m glad they were spared. 

I liked how the author introduced the world and slowly wove details from Asher’s past into the unfolding story of Morwood Grange. And even though the book dragged a little in the dreaded middle, it still managed to keep me invested in Asher’s quest. I will definitely check out other books by this author.

PS: I received a free copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Black Cranes: Tales of Unquiet Women by Lee Murray

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Stars: 4 out of 5.

This collection of short stories seems better put together than the previous collection I read in this cycle – Unquiet Spirits: Essays by Asian Women in Horror. I think the decision not to add anything to the collection except an introduction and an afterword and let the stories speak for themselves was a good one.

And the stories themselves are good. Some I liked better than others, but all of them kept my attention and made me think about the messages they wanted to convey. I also know that I will check out some of the authors features in this anthology and see what other works they have.

All in all, it was a good collection of short stories that I read between other bigger novels as a palate cleanser and had fun doing so.

PS: I received a free copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

White Trash Warlock (Adam Binder 1) by David R Slayton

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Stars: 3.5 out of 5.

This was an okay book and it did a decent job introducing the world and the characters, but I can’t help but feel like something was missing. Some condiment that would have made this book great instead of just a passable read. 

Don’t get me wrong. I loved our main character Adam, and I was fully invested in his story. What his family did to him was horrible and soul crushing. No wonder he has so many hang-ups and insecurities to deal with. No wonder he considers himself a freak – a gay man AND a witch in a white trash trailer park? Yeah, his life was a nightmare. 

I also appreciated the chapters we got from both Robert (Adam’s brother) and Tilla (their mother) perspectives. It helped show us that even though they did a horrible thing to Adam, they are not intrinsically evil. They were all victims of abuse at the hands of Adam’s father, and each one of them dealt with it how they could. And when faced with Adam’s emerging magical abilities, they made a choice as well. One that made their lives easier, true, but can you really blame them? Oh, and the whole truth about Adam’s father is simply heartbreaking.

I loved the interactions between the members of this dysfunctional family, and the slow mending of old and festering wounds. No, they will never be a happy and loving family like Vic’s, but at least they lanced the wounds and let the puss run out. Now they can begin to heal. 

Now, let’s get to the part that didn’t quite mesh with me. 

First of all, I hate insta-love in any way, shape and form, and what happened between Adam and Vic could be qualified that. They don’t know each other at all, the only reason they are even interacting after the initial encounter is because of the magical bond. I think that’s a cheep copout. Also, Vic accepting everything about magic and hidden worlds in stride sounds a little unbelievable to me. I mean, yes, it makes Vic awesome, but it sounds a bit unbelievable. I would have loved a slower and more gradual development of their relationship. With Vic doubting, even maybe being scared of this strange new world Adam is showing him, but then deciding to help anyway, because he is a cop and because he is just awesome like that.

My biggest issue is that this book is thin on plot, and what’s there meanders a lot. So the middle of the book really drags while we watch Adam fumble through his research into the horrible spirit that possessed his sister-in-law. It also feels like none of his discoveries are earned, but more handed to him because the plot gods willed so. Let’s face it, Adam sucks as an investigator. And yes, the book picks up steam by the end, and the final showdown is tightly written, but I struggled to get to that part.

Nevertheless, I liked the characters enough, and there were enough interesting questions left unanswered, that I will definitely pick up at least the next book in the series. I want to know what happened to Aunt Sue, and who was the warlock doing all the black magic and hurting magical creatures.