The City Grew Monsters by Hunter Adams

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Stars: 4 out of 5.

This was a surprisingly good book as far as zombie apocalypse books go. Interesting zombie origin here – from a mutated bug bite. The fact that it takes several victims for the virus to mutate enough to fully reanimate a human is also a nice touch. The rate of infection is rather fast, in my opinion, but that just adds to the tension of what’s unfolding on the pages, even if it sounds rather unrealistic. Zombie books aren’t about realism, right?

Though I am still confused as to how the contagion that started in an hospital in LA spread so fast as far as San Francisco in the span of one night. I’m no map expert, but aren’t those cities pretty far apart?

I liked all the characters and loved experiencing the unfolding events from their different points of view. They are all flawed and often selfish, but they are relatable. It was interesting to see the veneer of civilization coming off them when faced with the full horror of their situation. You can’t reason with a zombie. You can’t just give him your wallet and hope that he won’t stab you in response. You have to run or fight and hope like hell that you will kill that walking corpse before it infects you as well. 

The point of view of a six years old child caught in the midst of all this was especially terrifying. Maddy is already traumatized by what happened to her mother a couple years ago and has severe developmental and psychological issues because of that. Add to this the fact that she is in this building illegally, and that she isn’t supposed to talk to strangers because that could get her dad fired from his job, and this adds an additional level of stress and confusion for an already traumatized child. Is it surprising that she makes mistakes and often rather stupid decisions? 

My only complaint was that I didn’t particularly like the ending. It was a little bit too convenient that the billionaire whose penthouse Maddy was hiding in chose to come get his art right at the precise time they needed saving. Also very convenient that he, for some reason, decides to save them instead of his possessions. Yes, Maddy’s father mentions at one point that the man owes him a favor, but that idea is never expanded upon. That’s one heck of a favor to make someone abandon his priceless possessions.

All in all though, I really enjoyed this zombie book and will definitely check out more books by this author.

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